
A Lot of Work has Been Going on at Clairmont

New Curbs

Since the last update, a lot of work has been going on at Clairmont. We received all new street signs and a beautiful new community map near the office. Portland PGE is ready to install new street lights along Clairmont Way and the expansion site. A new electric base installed for the new homes arriving. White […]

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Expansion Updates Plus Upcoming Community Events

This month we bring you construction updates and upcoming community events. Construction Updates The expansion is about 97% done. Asphalt is expected to be poured first week of October. Oregon City Public Works added an ADA ramp at both entrances of the Clairmont Park, and more sidewalk repair along Clairmont Way. Clairmont will have new street name signs, […]

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Construction Continues This Month

What do we have planned for the expansion for July? Construction continues this month. BACH installed a new white overhang at the mailboxes. The new fencing inside the expansion will be installed July 19 through August 2. BACH will then pour our concrete curbs. The pine trees along the main road of Clairmont Way will have […]

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What do we have planned for the expansion in June?

New Home Expansion

What do we have planned for the expansion in June? We are two to three weeks away from pouring asphalt and laying down lot pads for the new homes arriving. BACH is working with PGE to install new street lights between the end of June and the beginning July. Additional mailboxes are in the process of being installed at […]

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Expansion Construction is Coming Along

We have some updates about the expansion at Clairmont MHP. As you can see the expansion construction is coming along. The large hole is one of four rain gardens we will be adding to expansion. The rain gardens will be filled with native plants and river rock to maintain the vast amount of winter rain flowing into […]

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